U.S. Army announces 3-step plan to restore honor for overturned Camp Logan convictions
Houston Chronicle | Amber Elliott

U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs to deliver survivor benefits, new plaque for Camp Logan soldiers.
The U.S. Army set aside the convictions of mutiny, murder and assault for 110 Black soldiers who were accused in the 1917 Houston Riot at Camp Logan in a ceremony Monday at the Buffalo National Soldiers Museum. The announcement from Under Secretary of the Army Gabe Camarillo was met by enthusiastic applause and a standing ovation.
But that was just the first step in the Army’s plan for “Recognizing the Legacy of the 3rd Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment.” The second will be correcting their military records to honorable discharges. And third, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs will deliver survivors’ benefits to families who have long been denied access to those resources.